Opdateret d.10-07-2008 05:25:45 .2008
Gjern, 05 April 2008
Dommer: Rajko Rotner, Slovenien

Hvalpe klasse Han. Ring 1. Kat. Nr. 0019
Sihn-Jin's Chow Woo Tai Dian Shan

Good developed, good expression, nice strong head, excelent pigment,
compact body, short on legs, excelent chest and front,
good prepared, good mover.
SL, PL. 2
Junior klasse Tæve. Ring 1. Kat. Nr. 0052
Incipit Empress Xuma

Small female, enough bones, good substans, enough coat,
needs more temerament, head inproportions with body,
good pigment, a little long in body, deep chest, correct front.
Good represented.
Very good.
Mellem klasse Tæve. Ring 1. Kat. Nr. 0056
Litchi Chow Dina Shan

Medium bones, needs more substans, enough coat,
strong head, good pigment, closed eyes, good builded body,
enough angulations, needs stronger shoulders.
Good represented.
Very good.